What I Learned From Anthony:
I watched many videos of Dr. Strange talking with Anthony who is a 3rd grade teacher at Gulf Shores Elementary. Together, they brought useful insight to resources you and I can use as teachers and helpful tips and tricks.
One of the resources I learned about from Anthony is iCurio. This site allows students to search for things online by themselves in a safe environment with only sites that have been preapproved so it is guaranteed safe searching. Students and teachers can store things on iCurio also so teachers can upload an activity and share it for the students to complete. This is good practice for the students to practice organization skills also. iCurio has a directory feature for historical figures so children could also easily search for historical events or people by typing in key words.I watched many videos of Dr. Strange talking with Anthony who is a 3rd grade teacher at Gulf Shores Elementary. Together, they brought useful insight to resources you and I can use as teachers and helpful tips and tricks.
Some other information I learned from Anthony is that project based learning is always evolving. The main goal of PBL is to have each student engaged and to make sure the kids learn something from the project rather than to do a project to assess their learning. He also stated the importance of having student interest in the project and that he got the best results when the project involved the community so the children could get real world experience. I learned that not everything will go as planned and that, as teacher, we should be flexible and creative to respond to unexpected events. I think the two most important things I learned from Anthony were to tallow the students to reflect on their own work and others to revise and see what they could do to make it better for next time and to always be a learner. Learn from your mistakes, learn from old resources, new resources, teachers you meet, students you meet because the ways of teaching are constantly evolving and knew knowledge can be learned from every person or resource you come in contact with.
Victoria, I am thankful for Andy Capp sharing such valuable information to future educators like you, others, and myself. His sharing resources like iCurio, and Discovery Ed, that you mentioned, are tools we can begin to familiarize ourselves with. Mr.Capp, also let's us know that the key for being a successful educator is keeping the student in a learning environment, where being engaged in a project is part of the learning experience; this includes Project Base Learning. These movies were very helpful. Your thoughts of Mr. Capps are much like what I thought. Great Job.l